Steve Austin’s Gives Back

Steve Austin’s Auto Group is extremely grateful to be a part of the Logan County community. We are blessed to have loyal customers that share that same sentiment. Stewardship and generosity have always been core values of our organization. This page is a celebration of some of the ways that Steve Austin’s Auto Group has had the privilege of partnering with our neighbors for the greater good of our county.

12/17 Steve Austin’s donates toys for the Cheiftain Leadership Initiative To Kickoff the Spirit of Giving


11/14 Toy Drive For Logan County Children

11/1  Toy and Gift Drive


10/2  Breast Cancer Awareness With Logan County Cancer Society


9/30 Steve Austin’s 5th Annual Car and Truck Show

8/27 Thank You Bellefontaine High and Middle School’s Btown Bots Robotic Team


8/19 Steve Austin with United Way of Logan County


8/12 Steve Austin’s Collects School Supplies for United Way of Logan County


7/11 The Logan County Fair!


7/2  Bellefontaine’s Outreach Program


4/15 BHS DECA Showcase Their Sponsors!!